How to find the purchase forms in the app?

Mobile App:  Web App: 

Written by MyLOFT Support Team
Last updated 2 months ago

Mobile App: 
  • Go to the account icon from the tab bar at the bottom of the screen by clicking on the same.
  • Select the “Service Requests” option.
  • Two options “Article Request” and “Purchase Suggestion” will appear.
  • Click on the option more suitable for your requirements.
Web App: 
  • Click on the account button on the top right of the screen.
  • A popup with profile information and the option of “Service Request” will show.
  • Select “Service Request”
  • Two options “Article Request” and “Purchase Suggestion” will appear as two expandable forms.
  • Fill out the form as per your requirement by filling in the necessary details.
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