January 3, 2023

Librarian Spotlight – Dr. Nandkishor R. Motewar

For this month's librarian spotlight, we have the pleasure to present Dr. Nandkishor Motewar, the director of the Knowledge Resource…

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Librarian Spotlight – Dr. Vijay Raghav Tiwari

Bachelor of Library and Information Science, Masters of Library Information and Science, Post Graduate Diploma in Computer Applications, Ph.D. in…

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Entrevista Bibliotecaria – Paolo Cuya

El agradecimiento que expresan los usuarios cuando encuentran soluciones y recursos para los temas que estudian eso es lo más…

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Employee Spotlight – Douglas Depies

Escucha. Escucha lo que dicen tus colegas, lo que dicen tus prospectos, lo que dicen tus clientes. Al tomarnos el…

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Entrevista Bibliotecaria – Paolo Cuya

El agradecimiento que expresan los usuarios cuando encuentran soluciones y recursos para los temas que estudian eso es lo más…

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Employee Spotlight – Doug Depies

Listen.  Listen to what your colleagues are saying, listen to what your prospects are saying, listen to what your customers…

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Librarian Spotlight – Paolo Cuya

The gratitude that users express when they find solutions and resources for the topics they are studying is the most…

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Librarian Spotlight – Nelson Mutuma Mwirigi

"This challenge came as a blessing in disguise, because we got more digital resources approved as alternatives or in place…

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Employee Spotlight – Shefali Bhojwani

¨...accept the challenges outside of your comfort zone. It really helps you to grow in your career."Shefali Bhojwani This month´s…

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2021 Year in Review

2021 was a year of growth for us here at Eclat Engineering. While the day-to-day victories of each team member…

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Employee Spotlight – Mrugrajsinh Vansadia

¨To build something really great, build a great team."Mrugrajsinh Vansadia That quote from our Product Lead, Mrugrajsinh Vansadia is the…

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Institution logos, RemoteXs and MyLOFT

January 2022 Additions to the Eclat Family

2022 has started out strong, we had 13 institutions join the Eclat family! Institutions from 5 different countries, broaden the presence of…

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Celebrating International Data Privacy Day

What is data privacy? Data Privacy or Information privacy is a part of the data protection area that deals with…

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Eclat and GlowTouch Partnership

Eclat teams up with GlowTouch to enhance its customer support services. We are thrilled to announce that in a move…

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Employee Spotlight – Chaitra Nair

"Human resources is not what we do. It is the thing that drives our business." This month's employee spotlight strives…

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December Additions

We finished the year with a bang! December of 2021 saw 17 institutions join the Eclat family! Institutions from 10 different…

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November Additions

November of 2021 saw 11 institutions join the Eclat family! We are so excited to partner with these institutions and help…

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Employee Spotlight – Meghna Garg

This month's employee spotlight is a special one for the Eclat family. She is a critical member of the family…

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Employee Spotlight – Amit Shukla

En las redes sociales, nosotros, como otras marcas hablamos sobre nuestra familia. Para Eclat Engineering, lo tomamos en serio, somos…

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Instituciones Nuevas en Octubre

En octubre de 2021, 7 instituciones nuevas se juntaron a la familia Eclat. Estamos muy emocionados en asociarnos con estas…

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Employee Spotlight – Amit Shukla

On social media, we, like many other brands talk about being a family. At Eclat, we take that seriously, being…

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October Additions to the Eclat Family

October of 2021 saw 7 institutions join the Eclat family! We are so excited to partner with these institutions and help…

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Instituciones Nuevas en Septiembre

En septiembre de 2021, 9 instituciones nuevas se juntaron a la familia Eclat. Estamos muy emocionados en asociarnos con estas…

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¡Un Millón de Gracias!

Gracias. Thank you. शुक्रिया. Asante. நன்றி. Terima kasih. 谢谢. ขอขอบคุณ. ধন্যবাদ. Tenemos un millón de razones para dar gracias. En…

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A Million Thank You´s!

Thank you. Gracias. शुक्रिया. Asante. நன்றி. Terima kasih. 谢谢. ขอขอบคุณ. ধন্যবাদ. We have one million reasons to give thanks. As…

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September Additions to the Eclat Family

September of 2021 saw 9 institutions join the Eclat family! We are so excited to partner with these institutions and help…

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24/7 Access to Library eResources

Recently I found myself going back to a theme we discussed here at Eclat during April of 2020. "MyLOFT has…

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New members of the Eclat Family – July 2021

July of 2021 saw 14 institutions join the Eclat family! We are so excited to partner with these institutions and help…

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June 2021 saw 14 institutions join the Eclat family! We are so excited to partner with these institutions and help their…

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Dr. H. Anil Kumar – A Brilliant Mentor and Guardian Angel!

Anil Sir was a larger-than-life figure in our entrepreneurial journey, advising, encouraging, and supporting us at every stage. We were…

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Bienvenidos a estas instituciones

En mayo de 2021, han sido 10 instituciones nuevas que se juntaron a la familia Eclat. Estamos muy emocionados en…

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Bases de datos nuevas, integraciones nuevas y acceso aún más facíl.

Permitir que los administradores de bibliotecas puedan manejar sus propias cuentas siempre ha sido una prioridad para nosotros en Eclat…

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New databases, new integrations – even more seamless access.

Allowing library administrators to handle their own accounts has always been a priority for us here at Eclat Engineering.  That’s…

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New members to the Eclat Family! (May 2021)

May 2021 saw 10 institutions join the Eclat family! We are so excited to partner with these institutions and help their…

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Bienvenidos en Abril

En abril de 2021, 13 instituciones unieron a la familia Eclat. Estamos emocionados en trabajar en conjunto con estas instituciones…

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April Institutions

April 2021 saw 13 institutions join the Eclat family! We are so excited to partner with these institutions and help their…

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Expectativas Personales de la Tecnología Bibliotecaria

Cada usuario de la biblioteca interactúa con docenas de plataformas digitales, en móviles y en web, durante su día. Estas interacciones…

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Bienvenidos en Marzo

En marzo nos da gusto recibir más instituciones a la familia Eclat. Damos la bienvenida a 6 instituciones nuevas, representando…

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March Additions to the Eclat Family

March sees more institutions joining the Eclat family! We welcome 6 new institutions to the family. Three new countries are…

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Library Technology That Meets Personal Expectations

Each and every library patron interacts with dozens of mobile and web platforms throughout the day. These interactions influence the…

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Febrero – Bienvenidos

¡Febrero fue otra mes grande para la familia Eclat! Damos la bienvenida a 14 instituciones nuevas. Se representan siete paises…

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The Eclat Family is getting bigger!

February was another great month for the Eclat family! We welcome 14 new institutions to the family. Seven new countries…

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De Lujos a la Necesidad: Plataformas tecnólogicas una necesidad para bibliotecas en 2021

Hoy, la tecnología e innovaciones son más importante que nunca para nuestra sobrevivencia social, cultural y biológica en la nueva…

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¡Nuevos miembros de la familia MyLOFT!

En diciembre de 2020 y enero de 2021 añadimos 15 instituciones nuevos a la familia MyLOFT! Estamos muy emocionados en…

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From Luxury to Necessity: Technology platforms a necessity for libraries in 2021.

Today technology and innovation are more important than ever before for our social, cultural and biological survival in the new…

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New members of the MyLOFT family!

December of 2020 and January of 2021 saw 15 institutions join the MyLOFT family! We are so excited to partner with…

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